Last Will & Testament
A Last Will & Testament is a document that is drafted, typically placed in a safe place, and only goes into effect when the person who created the Will passes away.
Financial Power of Attorney
A Financial Power of Attorney, also referred to as a General Durable Power of Attorney, is a document which provides an individual (referred to as an agent or attorney-in-fact) with the authority to manage a client’s financial affairs, in the event that the client is no longer capable of making his or her own financial decisions, either due to incompetency or absence.
Durable Financial Power of Attorney Form
Affidavit of Survivorship Form
This is intended to be a generally summary of the process to evidence the death of a co-owner of a real estate in Wyoming and the transfer of legal title to the surviving owner.
Affidavit of Survivorship – Majors Law Firm, P.C. – Wyoming
Affidavit of Survivorship – Instructions – Majors Law Firm, P.C.
Warranty Deed – Wyoming
Below is a link to a sample Warranty Deed form and Instructions for completion of the Warranty Deed, for transferring real estate in Wyoming. I have also provided a link to the Statement of Consideration.
The Majors Law Firm, P.C. can assist with the preparation and recording of a Deed to transfer real estate or mineral interests located in the state of Wyoming. Contact the Majors Law Firm, P.C. to discuss further.
Warranty Deed Wyoming – Majors Law Firm P.C.
Statement of consideration deed recording
Affidavit of Distribution – Wyoming
Below is a link to an Affidavit of Distribution and Instructions for completion of the Affidavit.
Affidavit of Distribution Form
Affidavit of Distribution Instructions
Advance Health Care Directive
Below is a link to a sample Advance Health Care Directive